Have you been too busy with your personal matters that you find less time with your children? Have you reached the point when you no longer get updates about their school performance? You become so engorged with work or business up to the point where you take your children’s education for granted. In this modern generation, a system called Saps ibu bapa or Parent School Exam Analysis System has been made. It intended for parents to gain access to their child’s educational status. It was developed as a result of educational innovation aiming towards improvement in teaching process. It works in collaboration with the educational team and the parents of their students with both having roles to assume for the welfare of the future generation.
Parent School Exam Analysis System
It is important for parents to gain awareness about their child’s education to know if they perform well or if they need help in any aspect. Saps ibu bapa or Parent School Exam Analysis System is a system intended for parents to get updated with their child’s academic performance. With this system, parents can now be updated without the need of too much time and effort in monitoring their children physically at school. It brings several advantages to the parents, the educators and also the students. It makes them feel more involved in the teaching process and is proven to have promising feedbacks with all the advantages it brings.
With the several advantages it brings, it also has disadvantages. Parents might become too reliant to this technology and child may feel less important for receiving lesser time and effort from their parents. At some point, child may feel neglected. So it is still important to find time with your children. Go on vacation, talk during meals, ask about their daily experiences, and know if they have problems.
Education and personal life
As people experience life challenges, it affects other aspects in their life. A problematic child may have these problems mixed up and they lose focus. These children usually have their academic performance affected and you may notice changes in their behaviour. Not all children are able to share these problems and they often get depressed. As parents, it is your responsibility to be aware with your child’s life and know it they need help. With saps ibu bapa, gain awareness, get started, find time, and be better parents.