SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a set of technique used by digital marketers and web developers to rank a website on a search engine like Google. Now a day, almost every business has a website today. To popularize their website people advertise it but that may not enough so in this case SEO can help to bring traffic to that particular website. For instance if a person is looking for a particular course or thing on search engines, like Google. After searching it he or so he might check the websites showing on the first page rather going to further pages or he or she may prefer to check the first three websites shown in the very first page so it this case, franchise SEO experts make sure that your website is being shown in the first page of Google results.
1-SEO helps a website in getting targeted traffic for keywords that a person wants:
A person visit a website from a search engine might search for solution to a problem. If that website provides the right amount of help he may inform about that site to another person.
2-With the application of SEO one can enhance the credibility of the website:
Websites that found in search engines like Google are credible and trusted. People trust Google and they believe that Google won’t allow a non trusted site on their search engine.
3-Better conversion rate:
Traffic gain through SEO is more likely to have better conversion with. People that are in search of a specific key word land in a website. Since the visitor is pleased with the product he becomes a customer of that particular website.
4-SEO can help in gaining more followers in social media:
With the increasing number of visitors in the website it is more likely to click on the social media icon and follow you.
SEO is an important part of today’s marketing strategy. It enhances the traffic in you website along with many other benefits.