Many soon-to-be parents won’t know when their little one will start their journey in the real world. Pregnant women won’t even know that they’re carrying a child in their womb until the first signs of pregnancy start coming into view. However, that’s not the case for all expecting moms and dads. Some partners will use a fertility calculator to help them plan when to do “the deed” so that they can get a more accurate estimation of the date of the baby’s birth.
Keep in mind, however, that these ovulation or fertility calendars aren’t 100% accurate. There are still several factors at play that would otherwise make your child’s birth to become late or early. Still, that isn’t to say these calculators are completely useless. At the very least, you’ll get a rough idea of when your kid (or kids because you might have twins) to enter this wonderful world of ours.
So, How Does an Ovulation Calendar Work?
First, the calendar will ask for the first date of your last period. It’ll also ask for the average period of your menstrual cycles. Then, the application will generally assume a 14-day luteal phase. First-time parents might be wondering, “What’s the luteal phase?” It’s the period between the first day of your period and ovulation. The normal luteal phase can be as long as 15-days and as short as 10-days.
Is That All?
Hold your horses because we’re not done yet. Next, the ovulation calculator will create a rough guess on the days that you’ll most likely become fertile, as well as the day that you might ovulate.
How Can I Know If It’s Accurate?
Once again, there’s no such thing as a 100% accurate ovulation calendar. Why? It’s because there are several factors at play. For example, if your child might have some health concerns while still in your womb (knock on wood), then your doctor might suggest you undergo premature labor.
If you want to get an idea of what an ovulation calendar or calculator looks like (and perhaps fiddle around with it a bit), then check out this weblink.